image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora



image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora





image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora



  • Architek

  • Architek

  • Architek

  • Architek

  • Architek

  • Architek

  • Architek

  • Architek


A captivating exploration that transcends the conventional boundaries of design.


Gregor Gray






Jorge Zamora



Jorge Zamora



Sergio Urbina


/ Website Design / Website Development / Website Hosting / Creative Copy / Photography
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Rise & Shine Video Shoot Photo Take 2
Rise & Shine Video Shoot Photo Take 2
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Twyne - Rise & Shine Video Shoot Photo 3
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Twyne - Rise & Shine Video Shoot Photo 3
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Video Shoot Photo Take 4
Video Shoot Photo Take 4
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Building Architek

Overview: Successfully executed the development of a professional portfolio for an accomplished architect, encapsulating their distinctive modern and minimalist design approach.

Key Achievements:

  1. Sophisticated Design Showcase: Crafted an immersive and sophisticated portfolio that reflects the architect's unique style, harmonizing modern aesthetics with minimalist design principles.

  2. Interactive Project Galleries: Implemented an interactive gallery format to seamlessly present completed projects. Users can effortlessly navigate through each project, exploring detailed images and pertinent information.

  3. Integration of Material Palette: Successfully integrated the architect's preferred material palette, ensuring a cohesive visual experience that aligns seamlessly with their design philosophy.

  4. Insightful Project Narratives: Developed insightful narratives for each project, offering users a deeper understanding of the inspiration, challenges faced, and innovative solutions employed.

  5. Responsive Design Implementation: Ensured the portfolio's accessibility and visual appeal across diverse devices through the implementation of a responsive design, enhancing the user experience for a wider audience.

  6. Contact and Inquiry Section: Incorporated a dedicated section for potential clients and collaborators to connect with the architect. This section features a user-friendly contact form, social media links, and other relevant information to facilitate seamless communication.


The completed project stands as a stunning digital portfolio, serving as a testament to the architect's expertise. It not only captures the essence of their modern and minimalist style but also acts as a powerful tool to attract new opportunities and showcase their remarkable body of work.

Jorge Zamora

[CO-FOUNDER & cto]